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Leading with Heart: W. Zeh Wellington, DNP, RN, NE-BC, President Elect American Nurses Association (ANA) - Illinois

Posted over 1 year ago in Announce

ANA-Illinois Welcomes New President


Meet Zeh Wellington

Manteno, Illinois: The American Nurses Association of Illinois is proud to announce its new President, W. Zeh Wellington, DNP, RN, NE-BS. Beginning in November, Wellington, also an employee of Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, will represent all of the best qualities of our organization and serve as the official representative and spokesperson of the association, guiding it in matters of policy and positions for two years. The president also holds key leadership roles, such as chairing the Membership Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.

Zeh’s leadership is defined by a sense of dedication to the nursing community, the importance of effective communication, and a love for great quotes. “I'm a big lover of quotes, so you'll hear me quoting throughout the next two years. As Winston Churchill once said, courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, but courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. And we as nurses are amazing listeners!”

Zeh has many exciting plans and goals to accomplish during his time in office. “​​We need to continue to lobby for that nursing compact, addressing the nursing shortage, crisis, workplace violence, nursing education, and nursing burnout.”

One of Zeh’s goals is to expand ANA-Illinois and bring in new members! As a believer in unity among nurses, he knows that the best way to accomplish the needs and wants of the nursing community is to bring as many people together in the effort as possible. “I believe in strength in numbers. And I think for us to stay motivated and stay inspired, we have to do this together.”


The American Nursing Association - Illinois Chapter (ANA-Illinois) is a professional organization dedicated to advancing the practice of nursing and improving healthcare in Illinois. With a mission to support and empower nurses, ANA-Illinois serves as a vital resource for healthcare professionals and the public, advocating for excellence in nursing practice, education, and healthcare policy. We understand what’s important, and work to bring nurses the resources they need to grow in their careers. By joining ANA-Illinois, you are joining an organization that is dedicated to ensuring the best nursing career for you!

For media inquiries, please contact Susan Swart, Executive Director, ANA-Illinois.